Always learning...1 1/2 inch facing tool on aluminum

I have a friend who has a lathe, although I could build a 5 axis machine…

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Hmmm, looks like I may have dodged a bullet. Sometimes ‘tis better to be lucky then smart. I wanted to clean up a big slot I cut with a semi dull 1\4” 3 flute mill. Soooo, got the new blades for my Amana, let’s try that.

I snuck up on it, I did a pocket tool-path in F360 and included 1mm radial stock to leave and initially set my Z 1mm short. Router off I ran the code at 10% speed to ensure no collisions with the sides of the valley. All was good so set Z with one of the blades over the target on the C3D probe. Left X and Y at the 1/4” mill settings from previous steps. Another .5mm off the bottom and we’re good. Will face the rails a mm to get rid of the raggedy edge at the top.


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