Drew up a rough version of the U.S. Navy Submarine Warfare Insignia

Unfortunately didn’t properly work in Carbide Create at the time of its first posting, but seems to work well in the CC400 branch and later, and folks using other apps may find it of use — if anyone knows of a better original, I’d be glad to re-draw it again:


What timing! I just came back from several days in Kings Bay!


Submariners are an exceptional breed IMO, my brother was in the Navy and in basic they offered him submarine duty, he ran to the commandant’s office, “I do drugs, NO I SELL drugs!!!” the Commandant asked him if he’d rather go to Leavenworth or do submarine duty, he chose Leavenworth, The Commandant realized his real distressed and advised him that submarine duty was volundary so he declined the duty and returned to regular duty whatever that was.


I would like this as my son is a Submariner.

Please let us know if you have any difficulties downloading the SVG.

I don’t see a download here

Right click on the image and choose “Save Image As” (or similar).

It should download as an SVG.

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Note that downloading will require that one use a browser which will display SVGs natively — Firefox is one I know works.

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“Can I Use” is a good site for checking these sorts of compatibilities. For this, the following link is pertinent:

Tangent alert!
I rode John Adams SSBN620G in the WAY back days.

You never know…