Emergency stop button minimal requirements?

What is required by the E-Stop contacts on the Shapeoko 3? NO or NC? And can it be a momentary push button or does it have to change state and stay changed once pressed?

And once used, does it pause CM or quit the program or what?

I had some tabs come apart today and a loose part so I wondered how an E-Stop button would have played out.

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We have discussed this topic in great detail here, (there are different opinions of what is necessary)

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Minimally, a NO push button that’s maintained connected to the CM controller E-STOP pins… however as cited by @RichCournoyer, your router, or laser, or VFD spindle is likely still spinning away (unless perhaps it’s controlled by GRBL pins, and in that case the single NO contacts will suffice).

One can accomplish this is many ways, so ponder what you’re after and what works best your individual setup.


I have one of the big Rockler paddle power buttons I was going to use for the ultimate E-Stop, but wanted a button on the unit that would be the equivalent of pausing program execution. It looks like feed hold won’t stop rapids so I guess I’ll just do the Rockler power paddle to my power strip and call it good.


There’s a GRBL Feed Hold pin available, however I have yet to try this in operation… this should pause your job as I understand it.

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