How to connect Fusion 360 with SO3XXL & set Post Processor

Pls help me and explian what do I have to do.
I bought a library set of file in STL format - I want to carve them on my SO3
I ready the forum and it said I can use Fusion 360

  1. I activate Fusion 360 trying to configue the post processor in Fusion 360 to accept carbide3D for post Processor but I am lost, I have no cluse even trying to learn the tutorial on Beginner for Fusion 360

how do I can nect my SO3 to work with Fusion 360?

Thanks in advance.

Fusion 360 isn’t the most awesome tool for doing CAM with premade STL’s. It excels as a tool to use when you are starting a design from scratch, however.

The reason for this is that Fusion 360 bogs down pretty hard when the stl’s are complex (large number of polygons) for shapes that it has no problem with if they were designed in Fusion 360.

IMHO, the simplest tool for arbitrary stls is MeshCAM.

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Here’s a tutorial on doing CAM in Fusion 360:

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The SO3 (normal, XL and XXL) all run the GRBL firmware on the controller board, so you need to select the “Carbide 3D (Grbl)” post processor from the list of available post processors in Fusion 360. Then you create your CAM operations and post to a file. The file can then be run by Carbide Motion or UGS.

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Thank you for this - I will have to learn more in details

Thank you for this info. I am going to try and learn.

Thank you for this - I am going to check it out.

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