Made myself a tool holder

So I made myself a tool holder back when I got my Shapeoko, but since then I’ve learned a bunch of stuff, I’ve experimented and expanded my tool bag.

I figured it was time to go again. On my last wood purchase I was sent a bunch of 15-20mm black walnut staves. I started by cleaning them up then glueing them to make a board. I then used my S3 to plain the tops and bottom that left we with a board.

From there I knocked up a new design that incorporated the holes for bits and also some clamping space. Here are the end results after a lick of furniture wax

Within the design, I did 4 tool changes to run the outside, the pockets, curved edges, holes, beveled edges :slight_smile:


Oh yeah! Great job.
On my to do list.

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Very nice, I need to make one of these.

Nice job!!! I made one a little different. I prefer to wall mount whenever possible to save bench top space.



Those are very nice Visual and Kaizen tools holders.


Those are lovely! I’d have gone wall mounted but I have ran out of wall space :frowning:

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Yes, KAIZEN!!! Thanks.