Table alignment

I have a new Shapeoko 3 XL and the table Z settings appear to be off on the Y axis (full front to rear) by slightly more than 1mm and the X axis (full left to right) by about the same. I thought about shimming the waste board but wondered if there a is a better procedure to address this?
Thank you.

Do you mean the table is not flat with respect to the gantry? If so, yes, the easy way to do this is to first check that everything is square. Then, surface the wasteboard. It will be perfectly parallel to x and y axis.

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Yes, I think that’s what I’m trying to say and yes, frame is square and level. Do I understand correctly, “surface the waste board” means that I would run an end mill over the entire surface? If true, should I use something larger than a 1/4" end mill?
Thank you!

Yes, it’ll be faster with a larger mill, but 1/4 will do. Here’s my run at it… Down around the middle there are the files I used.

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Excellent! Thank you,