Updating Original Nomad to GRBL 1.1 and CM4?

Just wanted to get a quick opinion from anyone who might have done this already:

I have an original Nomad (not the Pro) and was wondering if it’s worth going through the process of updating to GRBL 1.1 and CM4. I’ve read a number of threads about various bugs and just want to make sure the benefits outweigh any potential weirdness.


Grbl 1.1 has a lot of nice features, and the problems mostly seem to be ironed out — if there’s a feature which you need, you should try it, if not, wait until the official release.


Yeah, I’m in the same boat, but its even worse here as I’m still actually using version 2 of CM for all the info that it gives.

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Please send a note in to support@carbide3d.com or beta@carbide3d.com noting the information which you need which CM3/4 isn’t providing. Hopefully we can work up a nice way to put it back in.