Wooden Cam Type Clamps

My only concern with this work holding system is that it doesn’t hold down the work, so the work could potentially be picked up and thrown across the shop. I haven’t had this issue yet, crossing fingers. Maybe it’s the fact that I use conventional milling to hog out the mass of material and then do up cutting for finishing? I’m still learning.

I also have made a modified version of Maruis’ design based off the DXF file he made that fits my 2" threaded insert spoil board. I have found it to be a pretty solid work holding system as long as your stock is relatively flat.




Sorry know this is an old post… @Tem do you recall if when you modified the design if it was intended to work with the Festool MFT style of dog spacing or if you modified the file for Marius’s dog hole spacing?

Hi! The original file that Marius provided was a hand drawn sketch, IIRC.
I tried to very carefully stay consistent with it, but had to clean up the rough spots.
In regards to spacing, I nearly followed his recommendations, 75mm on center.

Thanks @Tem those are non-festool style then; I’ve iterated a bit and come up with a more elegant version for Festool MFT Style Spoilboards.

Heres the thread:https://community.carbide3d.com/t/festool-mft-cam-style-clamps/17245