So I broke my first bit - 201 End Mill that comes with the Shapeoko Pro. I was cutting a contour around 3/4" Poplar. It made 2 of the 6 passes beautifully and had cut out some pockets.
Question: What adjustment should I be making to the feeds & Speeds next time?
This is very surprising. Your feeds and speeds and depth per pass are completely fine, they should not break a 1/4" endmill, by a very long shot…I would say contact and see what they think/can do.
That is quite surprising… I have run just as aggressive if not more on a non-xxl with the same bit. Slotting or profiling like that does load up the cutter more but 0.125” depth is quite acceptable.
Do you have just collection and was there any chips left in the slot when the bit broke? Recutting chips can add a lot mor heat and/or load
Was the wood wet or green?
Can you see any thing in the wood that may have contributed? Nails, a knot in the wood?
Thanks everyone for the quick replies…I spent some more time looking at the bit and think it might be my user error. I’m going to try it again and see what was going wrong. Helpful to have the quick feedback to make sure this new user was in the right path