3d Finishing lines problem

Hello. Does anyone know why the lines remain on the final 3d processing? Are the parameters not well matched or is the machine not removing evenly everywhere?

I tried to leave 0.5mm for finishing, and I tried to leave more mm. I have the same problem. But the whole surface is not like that. One part is perfect and one part is bad, as you can see in the picture

Post your file. Likely it is a step over problem. Finishing paths with ball nose need very small step over. Even flat end mills need small step over. What is your confidence in your router tram? Could your material be moving? I can only see one clamp but I suppose you have at least 2. Maybe you need more clamps?

What machine? Which Z axis?

Lines like that look like a mechanical problem. With the power ON but the spindle OFF, grab the nose of the spindle and try to push it up and down, but not so hard that you overpower the stepper motor. It shouldn’t move up-and-down at all, if it does more investigation will be needed.

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It is odd that the bigger lines correspond to features on the frame. But The stepover does look to be pretty big. The stepover shouldn’t be more than 10% of the diameter of the ball. So if it’s a 1/8" diameter tip, then it should not be more than 0.012"…I would go more like 0.007" if I wanted really clean details.

But I also agree that the machine may need a quick check. That looks to be a S5Pro, so take a look at the Z ballscrew to stepper coupler. Both sides of it have a clamping screw, and a set screw. Make sure they’re tight.

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Looks like inconsistent Z-axis positioning

Check to see if those lines show up in the preview simulation.
I used to get the same or similar effect when using CCPro.

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