3D stepover CCPro - Etcher depth - CCpro 3 month conclusion

Sharing my conclusion

I am a big fan of C3D. I purchased CCpro and it has a lot of nice features
Here is my conclusion after using it for over 3 months.

It just is not that polished yet with a couple of learning curves I got stumped on. I did figure it out with some help from the community :slight_smile: . A couple of things are just not intuitive. I am OK with that as it just takes some time to learn. Most things were quite easy to figure out.

I have now been using the 3D carving and hmm … I have to constantly delete items and add them to make a simple change, it is not forgiving and needs to be done just right and in the right order. If you want to move or change something you have to delete and start again. Changing the order of components can have some interesting results and can take a bit to work itself out or you delete and start again. The list of components gets confused, IE I disable one and it disables a different component. That was interesting. So changing the order somehow messed up some pointer index in the background. I had to remove all and start again. Moving a base in front of an “add” component may not work and you might have to play with it to make it add. Change it to a subtract and then back to an add and poof it works. I did a simple 4" x 6" logo picture and during that time the program crashed over 10 times. loosing my data. I backup as I go but still :frowning: ( no splat report). I also had to import the image over 20 times to make tweak changes. Mind you some of that is me learning :slight_smile:

So in conclusion. It has a lot of nice features however 3D carving is not one of them IMHO. It is more of a 2.5 Pro addition. And as I said it is not that polished yet, which is interesting as CC has been working great for me, I found it very easy to use. I thought going to CCpro would be the right choice for me and I would have thought the paid version would have been more battle tested.

Unfortunately due to a couple of limitations in the areas I want to pursue I will need to use another program and since I am a “not for profit”, I cant afford to invest in both. not only financially but also maintaining 2 separate formats :frowning:

I have no regrets trying it and I am sure it works great for others.
It is a shame as I really wanted to support C3D. Well I still do just not in this one area. :slight_smile:

Happy Carving

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