This weekends task was to figure out a Face operation that covered the complete MDF surface on my 4x2 SP5 without moving the transom forward. I figured the C3D folks would have designed it to be clearable. I had done this previously, but the effort was trial and error.
The starting clue was @WillAdams mentioning using the Rapid Positions position values.
So I set CM to metric. This made the resulting numbers cleaner and logical.
I removed my Bitsetter because it was going to be in the way.
I moved the machine to the NE corner because this is the closest to the machine origin.
I reset the X and Y values to Zero.
This became the Origin for Sketches in Fusion ( you could do this in CC ).
All recorded values are in MM relative to the NE position
In a Excel file ( only because it has a grid ) I recorded the …
Rapid Position value. Moved to each position and entered the values.
Actual Extents . I moved the machine by 1mm to determine how far the machine would go beyond the Rapid position. I found I could not move by less than a MM once I hit the limit.
Note: I had to go back and change the Y axis value from 11 to 10. The path exceeded what CM allowed. So the moving test was mostly valid.
Surface Extents. Using a 1/4 dowel pin I found the edges and recorded the values.
I started a new Fusion document and changed to MM for Design. ( could be CC )
I recreated a rectangle for each set of extents.
I then created a new sketch that represented the CAM area.
That’s the area the needs to be cut, but within the Actual Extents ( shown in blue ).
Going to the Manufacturing environment, I changed the units to MM.
I made a new 2D Face operation.
The Tool is the 1" McFly 10K rpm 100in/mm
I used the CAM area sketch as the Geometry ( Chain )
I used the Origin point from the NE position for the CAM origin.
I set the Top and Bottom heights to Zero.
I set the Passes → Direction to Both, the Step Over value to .45 in
I set the Links →
Lead in and Out Disabled.
Transition to Straight line .
These were done to stop movement outside the Actual Extents.
Note: The Face operation does not allow for a plunge. This is needed because we are already at the extents. I hand edited the in the beginning of the file so it created a Plunge which is called
I also created a Trace operation that followed ( on Center ) the Actual Extents path to clean the edge if needed.
Front Edge cleaned. The McFly clears all other edges easily.
Here are the files. (128.4 KB)
Remove anything near the MDF surface. The McFly edge travels pretty far off the W,N,E edges.
Initialize the machine.
Rapid to the NE corner,
Reset the X and Y values to Zero.
Turn off BitSetter if on. Remove BitSetter if installed.
Load the McFly tool and set the height by paper method and set Z to Zero.
It’s your call as to were to start. I picked what I though was a low point.
You will be resetting the Z height as you move down if you need multiple passes.
Load the or files.
I am assuming the same Actual extent values will work across a like machine.
CM will toss an error if the path goes out of bounds.
It will ask for a Tool Load, skip it. You are on the way.
This process should be good for any machine. I don’t have those to confirm.