65mm VFD cleaning

I have been cutting a lot of MDF. There is a resulting fine dust that is produced.
I have run a vacuum with a deep Sweepy 2 shoe.

I noticed the VFD spindle getting a bit noisy after the latest cut.
The noise comes and goes. Mostly quiet, but at time not.

Can I blow out the dust that is inside the spindle ?

Bumping this… Would like to see if there are any suggestions from the folks here. Mine is quite dusty too and I am running the same setup and cut mostly MDF.

I am using the really strong vacuum system, I guess I should start making an enclosure once I get it. Mine making dust on the bit and around the bottom, now that you mention it. I have be cleaning it with a damp cloth and wiping it down, I guess most MDF will emit a lot of dust. We still clean around the collet like carbine create suggested. If you are going to blow out the dust off your spindle, make sure you wear a mask.

I dd follow up with support. Here is another thread that is similar.

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