Add spindle to conventional Z

I went a bit @gmack with the 10mm 3 flute today;
3.25mm DoC
1mm WoC
1,000 mm / min
21,000 RPM

(Vendor specifies it for 10,000RPM in Aluminium but it sounds much happier in the Shapeoko at higher RPM)

It was actually happy to go at 1,300 mm / min in a couple of directions but not all, I ran out of V Wheel rigidity on the X beam.

It threw rooster tails of chips across the room, the workpiece is hot to touch after 35 mins of adaptive clearing on those settings and the coolant tank for the spindle is actually warm, for the first time ever. The chips on the spoilboard are the ones that got thrown past the suction and through the dust boot, It’s my new favorite cutter, it’s a bit of an animal :wink: I had to slow the feed down a bit for the last pass as it was vibrating a bit, which I now think was probably because the workpiece was hot.


“No guts no glory”?? :confused:

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I promise to go faster next time :wink:

The cutter is much happier doing wide shallow cuts but I’m being stubborn and trying to use enough of the edge to get a smoother cutting force out of the flute helix.

What’s the effect of pushing the cutter edge speed in the material up into the red there BTW?

“From the horses mouth”. BTW, I think that @Julien, @Vince.Fab, and even I would say that 0.0004" thick chips are probably pushing the lower limit.


Ah, indeed, that’s the floor I was heading for then :wink:

Been running the same cutter 2mm deep and 4mm wide at 17kRPM today for some adaptive clearing and it sounded much happier with the lower axial engagement. I just hate only using the bottom mm or two of the sharp flutes I paid for.

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That’s consistent with what @Vince.Fab has been saying for some time and also what @Moded1952 is now discovering. Kinda makes you wonder huh? It looks like you have quite a bit of spindle stick-out though.


I get it, but I don’t like it :cry:

Also, be good to see how it changes when I get the linear rails on the X beam.


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