After sale support

There are a lot of huge companies that could learn a lot from Carbide 3D about customer satisfaction and after sale care
I’m 57 years old and have never ever came across a company that is so helpful after they have sold you a product

I’m sure I speak for all folks on this forum with the above statement

Keep it up guys


Had some screws that went in cady wompas on an end plate. Asked support if this would cause a problem. They did not think so but were willing to send out new plates and X axis. My thoughts are to keep cost down. Why send it if it will not cause a problem. I asked them to make a note of the situation for the future issues, thank them for their attempts. Asked for new magnets for the Sweepy, they sent a new one.

So yes, Customer service is GREAT at this company.

Enjoy your machine


Thanks for the post. We don’t always execute perfectly, but we always try our best to make sure we’re reducing frustration for our customers, not adding to it.


I’ve seen a lot of negative comments about this subject. For me it was like the first two posters. My very 1st project I crashed the machine and the Z carriage came off and broke most of the V wheels. I contacted support and within two days had everything I needed to get back up and running, no questions asked and free of charge. I’d like to see other company’s do that.


Misplaced my power supply for the CNC - boom one in the mail. I’ll buy my upgrade from Carbide!


I am in total agreement, Carbide 3D has taken very good care of me on every purchase. Not only the 5 star support but the contests, the tutorials, staff paying close attention to the forums and constantly helping everyone that asks, and the overall value of their products, I hope they keep building bigger and better machines, I can’t wait to see whats next!

PS: Please ship my HDM first!


I’m in 100% agreement the support that I received has been unmatched and for this I’m very grateful. I’ve reached a crossroad where I need something bigger than the XXL, I only hope that there’s an announcement that there’s a bigger machine on the way soon before I pull the trigger with another company.

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If my ISP was as good as Carbide 3D then when I called about losing TV and Internet on Christmas Eve full service would have been restored, as it is we are still without both some 5 days later

Not happy with them right now !!

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