Beginner trying to tram

Beginner here. Ive watche videos and read everything i can find on tramming but im not understanding something. The Y axis. 8 screws on the X gantry, loosen 6, clamp it and pry. What im not getting is, atleast on the 3xxl, there is no wiggle room on the end plates to adjust the gantry back and forth. What am i missing? Ive put so much pressure on the clamps i lifted the whole machine and the gantry did not budge.

On my S3 I had to drill out the powder coating in the gantry holes where the X extrusion bolts down, to get the tram in Y dialed in.



First free up those holes in the end plates.

I found that there still wasn’t enough rotation on mine after clearing out the holes, instead of drilling them oversize I shimmed out the bottom V Wheels on the Z axis.


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