I own a shapeoko 3 with zplus and bitsetter. Just started to send me an error after initialize machine ,router goes To predetermined position then asks me to change bit , i do then press resume. Router moves towards bitsetter stops and then z axis starts to go down but stops after only travelling .25” and error code pops up. Only option carbide motion gives me is to initialize again.
One thing i notice is the red led on bitsetter stays on all the time . Even if i manually depress button light still stays on.
I went into carbide motion settings and unchecked bit setter option so i could still use machine . Ideas what to check…
I’d say that the bitsetter button is stuck in a down position…maybe not all the way but enough to turn it on…OR…(the inside of the bitsetter is just a proximity switch) the switch moved (and is lifted and turning itself on) OR the prox switch is bad (Very rare).
PS Have you made any changes to the machine that could have caused this error? (OR) Did it just start happening?
Should the red led shut off if i depress button ? Or is it normally off and should turn on when bit depresses ?
No changes to machine since November 2020 when i installed zplus and bit setter . Been working great until today
That. It should turn on only when the button is depressed.
If it’s permanently on, @RichCournoyer probably nailed it (or, if you have a bitzero, also make sure it is not unintentionnally active, which can happen sometimes if you put is somewhere where it will contact the machine’s ground)
Took bitsetter off shapeoko and removed the 3 Allen head screws that conceal the push button and proximity sensor.
The button is not stuck down , i ca cycle it all the way down to proximity sensor and it springs back to upper position on its own.
The proximity sensor has not moved either.
Red led stays on all the time.
I checked wire from bitsetter to circuit board and cannot identify any issues.
Must be a defective sensor? This was new in November 2020 ,purchased directly from carbide 3d store . I wonder what warranty?.
Time to contact support@carbide3d.com and they’ll take care of you
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