I just got my bit setter plugged in and set up. I followed the directions from - here
During the setup I noticed that my default XY limits were set to 800+mm which I assume is one of the larger sizes, even though I had the standard size selected in the settings. I went ahead and changed them to the 350-400mm range that my machine has. I double checked all the GRBL settings and from what I know, they’re correct.
SO heres the problem - When I initialize the machine, it goes through the homing cycle and then rapids to center X and crashes against the front (Y negative) plates. I assume it’s trying to make a tool change, but the settings are wrong, so it never gets to the Y position before it crashes.
My guess is that my problem lies in the same issue that caused the standard XY limits to be that of the larger machines. I have tried reseting the GRBL to ensure I had the standard size selected, but it only changed them back to the incorrect settings. I looked up the tool change location and see it is hard-coded, so I’m now looking for the answer as to why my machine thinks it’s twice as big as it is.
I had to update carbide motion, But I followed that page, and still no luck. out of curiosity, i tried to change it to a different machine default. When I hit send configuration, it only resets back to these settings regardless of what I select or manually input. -