BitRunner V1 Died

My BitRunner V1 died on me in the middle of a cut last night. I was wondering if anyone has had theirs die on them and if they were successfully able to fix it?

I had trouble (after 3 or 4 months of use) and it turned out to be the bitrunner connector on the mainboard (not a problem with the bitrunner). The connector on the mainboard was loose. I could wiggle the connector (on the mainboard) and the bitrunner light would respond. Have no idea if you are having the same problem, but a wiggle-test on that connector might help.

I originally upgraded my controller by soldering the BitRunner connector on. I had intermittent failures until I replaced the controller. The failures were connectivity with the cable. Reseat your cable. My controller cover was modified so I can take the cover off without removing the cable by using a metal nibbler and cutting out the hole to be U shaped.

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