Bitsetter giving a probing failed

I am trying to set up my machine for the first time, I have the black bitsetter not the little square one. for whatever reason when I try run the initialize sequence my SO4 XL will do everything until it prompts me to change tool in Carbide Motion. Once I do this step the machine drops about an inch and then says probing failed. I have checked the wiring and it looks correct to me. I have read through the forums and I don’t really see anything similar to this issue with the new machine. My wires go from left to right black, brown, blue on the bitsetter cable.

If you have a bitzero make sure your magnetic connector is not touching something. The bitzero and BitSetter share some functionality.


And did you set up the location of the bitsetter and lock that information into the set up screen?


Contact Support. My BitSetter did the same when setting up for the first time. I was sent a new wiring extender after sending a pic of my controller board and the new one worked fine the first try.

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if you open carbide motion, and go to the settings page (before even initializing the machine)…
the settings page has a live view of all the limit switches and the probes.
You should be able to toggle the bitzero on/off (if you have one) and you should be able to see the bitsetter with the same signal if you push the button manually…

if it shows always that the probe is active you have a short (could be the bitzero hitting metal), if it never shows you ahve the opposite electrical problem

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