Bitsetter issue. I have gone through the other posts about Bitsetter crashes, but did not come up with the same problem I have been having. There was one similar, but it was closed, so I do not know what the response was. I installed the Bitsetter per the instructions per the links and have watched the videos. Everything starts out ok, I turn on the machine and initialize it.
It goes to the back right corner and then comes to the front as if I need to change the bit.
I tell it to resume and it goes to the Bitsetter over the button.
It starts to drop down in the z axis, pushed down the button until it will not go any further. I then need to turn off the machine. I go into settings and uncheck the Bitsetter so I can initialize it again. I have the splitter that allows me to have both the Bitsetter and Bitzero plugged in. I took the splitter out and plugged the Bitsetter in by itself. Set it up and ran it again. This time everything went fine until it was dropping over the button and it stopped short. The screen now tells me there was an error and the procedure could not be completed. I have set it up a number of times and end up like the first scenario or the second.
With the power on, the red light always stays on. Pushing down the button does not change it.
I hope someone will know what be causing the problem
Hi @RJH,
Definitely contact about this. What you describe indicates an electrical issue somewhere in the wiring or in the bitsetter itself. The normal situation is for the BitSetter LED to be off, and to light up (only) when you push the plunger. Until it behaves like this, the probing sequence will not work. Support will guide you through troubleshooting where the problem lies in the BitSetter => wiring => controller chain.
While you’re waiting for, with power on (and the router away from the BitSetter and OFF ) what happens when you press down on the BitSetter button with your finger? Does the LED on top of it light up?
@CrookedWoodTex it sounds like the light is on and remains on regardless of any other actions as long as the machine is powered on.
@RoughDraft40 Yeah, well let’s hear that from the OP rather than speculate. Might make troubleshooting a leetle easier.
Yeah…this is the key indicator. That light should not be on. If it’s on before the button is pressed, don’t try to use the bitsetter…there’s a problem somewhere along the lines. The fact that it worked properly without the splitter board kind of points my attention to the board…but it could also be a loose wire that got “placed right” during the testing with / without the splitter.
Seems this is not very risky to troubleshoot…plug and check the light…if the light is on, things are already wonky (it’s a technical term) - jiggle wires and connectors and see if you can get the light to turn off…that will narrow down where the issue is. If the light is off, press the button by hand and see if it comes on. Only then, run the initialization sequence.
No the Bitsetter did not work with the spliter disconnected. When I had the bitsetter pluged in direct, the spindle would go to the bitsetter start to drop and then stop about an inch and a half above the button. I would then get an error code on the screen telling me that process could not be completed.
Just turned on the machine and the red light came on without the spindle being anywhere near it.
Light does not turn off when I push the button down
I have moved the wires and the light still stays on. I did this with the splitter in place and with the Bitsetter plugged in directly.
@RJH My official diagnosis is that you have a problem there! You’ll receive the bill next month
Support should be able to help.
Just sent them a note
So, do you happen to have a BitZero, and if you do is its clip/magnet touching metal anywhere?
The end that is to be attached to the machine is on my screw that holds the belt. The clip is just setting on my table (wood) The BitZero is just setting on my wood table. Thought of that when I first had the problem and disconneted the bitzero cable from the power and machine. Did not change anything.
Thanks for asking
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