BitZero v1 support in the latest Carbide Motion

Is it just me, or did the option to select which BitZero I have disappear? And if so, why? To force me to buy the BitZero v2? VERY frustrated by the loss of a capability that was working just fine. What gives?

I’m pretty sure it still supports both V1 and V2 of the bitzero. Under the settings in Carbide Motion there’s a place to set which version of bitzero you have.

Edit (Note from release 542 - (NEW) Probe type is remembered after first selection. If a change is needed, go to Settings->Options


Ah. You’re right! Thank you. Maybe you know the answer to my follow up question. In the UI to select V1 or V2, there is also a “location” X and Y input. What is that for? Why does it matter? Isn’t it going to change all the time, based on my stock?

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Those are the X and Y coordinates of where the center of the bitsetter button is (which can be different depending on machines). You can manually jog over the bitsetter button and click “use current location” to set X and Y. This is only needed once, then CM remembers where your bitsetter is located


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