Book Holder for Book Worm

Looking for something for my Air Force granddaughter, her mother and I came up with this. To put it mildly, she loves to read.

Along the way, I concluded that a hard maple while very durable is NOT necessarily a good choice, if you want to sand away the tiny grooves created by 3D Finish. Nothing that I have even touched them. And after flattening the base, which had a significant twist to it, it took over an hour with 80 grit on my ROS to get rid of the lines created by a 1/4" cutter. Thinking back, I recall a mill owner saying to me, “Brick soft. Maple hard!”


Some projects take more love than others to get right. Maple is a pretty wood but they call it Hard Maple for a reason. Even the Soft Maple is still hard. It is hard not to like the figure in even some of the simplest maple grain which finish is applied.

Glad she is keeping the USAF flying. I am an Air Force Veteran as well as my Grandson.

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She is new grad of AF Basic and whatever the next gig is. Will be learning to work on C-130’s. So next project may be relief from this pic.


My grandson worked on B52s and after his Air Force career his Boeing and other certifications came in handy. Fixing airplanes is a great career but not an easy one. My grandson was stationed at Minor North Dakota where the do the heavy maintenance. That place is very cold in the winter and the fun never stops. He worked a lot of 12 hour shifts to keep the B52s flying.

Good Luck to your Grand Daughter and although she has just started her career thank her for service to our country.

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One of the more memorable things from my youth was a hospital waiting room at a Base Hospital where the only thing I could find to read was an Air Force Magazine and the most interesting article was on a crash involving a Cessna T-41 due to an unaccounted for tool.

With one counter-example, the airframe and engine mechanics I’ve known have been among the best, and most honest, and most competent people I’ve ever known.

Thanks. I’ll be sharing this with her.

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