Bug with light burn and carbide motion

Good morning,

I am contacting you because I have owned an SO 5 pro for several months, I am very happy with it.

I recently bought a Jtech laser to mount it on the CNC… after some adjustments and changing “$$” on light burn.

My cnc no longer “works” correctly.

In the “JOG” menu, nothing is logical anymore, the Y axis only moves in one direction and for the setter bit it does illogical things.

I suspect that what I configured in lightburn caused a mess in Carbide motion.

Do you have any idea how to make both work well?

I guess I’m not the first…

Thank you so much.


What did you change?
Did you change those things back?

You need to rerun the Setup Wizard to download the machine configuration as outlined here: Shapeoko Machine Setup


Any program that messes with GRBL settings or work offsets (some third party gcode senders will do it too) can alter the machines behavior in a way that will ruin Carbide Motion compatibility. Best you can do is either give up Carbide Motion entirely, or use Carbide Motion by exporting gcode programs out of Lightburn and not touch its control functionality.


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