If you go ATC, there are extra things you need:
- A compressor with a clean compressed air output (my spindle requires a 5µm particle filter)
- Solenoid air valves
- Air hoses
- A second 65mm spindle holder to mount vertically above the first
- A Z-axis that can support two 65mm spindle holders (which I don’t believe is sold)
- (num tools)
You’re basically doing what I initially did to my Nomad but with Masso instead of EdingCNC. You need to:
- Tear out the Carbide Motion board and electronics
- Replace the stepper motors, or make an adapter so that you can connect the existing stepper motors to your new stepper motor drivers
- Buy new stepper motor drivers
- Wire the stepper motors to the drivers
- Wire the drivers to the Masso Touch
- Wire the drivers to a new power supply
- Wire the VFD to the Masso Touch
Have a read through the documentation to get a feel for it. Doesn’t look too bad but I don’t run Masso myself.
Given everything above, I’m not sure if $2000-$3000 is enough. You’re looking at:
- 1500€ for the spindle setup without ATC
- ~800€ for the Masso Touch
- ~800€ for the ATC adapter
That’s already 3100€ and you still need:
- Stepper motor drivers
- A second 65mm spindle holder
- A beefier Z-axis that can hold the ATC and the spindle (which I don’t believe exists, you’ll need to design and build that yourself)
- A decent compressor and/or air filter for it
- Solenoids
- Tool holders
Given the amount of time and money you’re looking at spending, are you really sure a Shapeoko is the way to go for you? If you want a nice controller, ATC and so on and so forth, have you considered buying a machine that already has those features, like a Tormach, Syil or a second hand machine?
And I don’t think this question has been asked: what do you intend to do with your new machine? And is this your first CNC?