Can i download 2/3 D images SVG?

SVGs are 2D — if you want 3D files you will either need pixel image depth maps (which may be loaded into Carbide Create Pro) or STL files (which may be loaded into Carbide Create Pro or MeshCAM.

Once a 2D SVG is imported it may be given 2.5D features using toolpaths:

and if need be, edited/adjusted per:

There are a lot of ready-to-cut designs at:

and of course we have a Library of clip-art built into Carbide Create:

and the community had a list on the now defunct Shapeoko wiki:

Note however, that often, clip art will be done in stroked lines which are not suited to most CAM programs — the solution is expanding the strokes and unioning them:

Another option is to search on filetype:svg on Google’s image search, or to search Wikimedia

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