Carbide Create 611 Beta Bugs

Here two separate lines are selected and then Join tool selected. To get the Joined lines to the left I had to retrace the lines on the right.

Shown lines deselected after selecting previously selecting Join

Now Selecting one of the lines again. Still un-joined.

Checked to see in CC 530 and works flawless.

Also just discovered that while in Node Editing with overlying vectors you cannot select Snap to node while moving around. Snap to grid works but not snap to node. acts like nothing is there. Also verified to be a working function in CC 530.

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Here is another Anomaly within CC 611 Beta

After creating toolpaths. If you go back to design and delete a vector line and then press cntrl z to undo the saved toolpaths act as if the vector line has still been deleted and correspondingly ignores the vector when re calculating tool paths. Doesn’t do this in CC 530.

Deleted the Tree outline and then press Cntrl Z to undo operation. Corresponding results below.

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This one’s a head scratcher. One vector I manually scaled with corner box. The other I went into size and manually entered the size. They appear to be the same size but when looking at the dimensions… very different.
51 Inches

31 Inches

Not trying to pick apart the software… I love my CB3D but seems like bugs like to find me while I’m in my workflow. So I will continue to post as I come across them.

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The not snapping we had reported already — the balance we’ll review and pass on to the programmers — hopefully we’ll get a new version presently which fixes these and some other issues.

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I would guess the cntl Z restores the deleted geometry, but does not restore its selection for the toolpath.

Correct. It restores the toolpath for deleted geometry after pressing cntrl z in older versions and in 530 (current stable release), however 611 Beta the toolpaths aren’t restored for some reason

I can’t replicate the toolpath becoming disassociated with the deleted/undeleted path — could it be a matter of the toolpath generation not having caught up yet?

I’ve tried drawing some geometry and scaling it numerically and by dragging and not getting any mismatches — are you swapping X and Y?

If that’s not the case, please post the files and send us step-by-step instructions for causing the problem.

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