I am using Carbide Create Build 530 (Mac os version) and I created a separate gcode file for my drill holes by disabling the contour cuts and just generating gcode with my drill holes enabled (per the documentation).
However, for drill holes Carbide Create does not generate a retraction prior to moving to the first hole, this cause the bit to slide all the way across the surface of my piece (luckily it was just a test piece).
For example, if I enable either of my contour cuts the first move is:
G0 X75.445 Y117.926 Z12.700
Notice the Z12.7 that retracts the bit away from the piece (that is default distance in the project setup).
However, if I have my contours disabled and just leave my drill holes enabled the first move is:
G0 X162.296 Y74.321 Z0.000
Is this expected behavior that there is no Z retract prior to moving to the first drill hole? Or is this a bug?
BTW, the design view in the beta with the red marks that shows you your cursor coordinates on the ruler is pretty cool. Very handy, hope it stays that way for the release.