This “unstable” page is how we distribute in-progress versions to our team for testing so that’s the latest we’re testing internally.
Text is a big change in this version and is responsible for most of the changes in this version- it was almost impossible to change the text without changing the rest of the UI to make it consistent.
The new build 400 on the Unstable channel adds a “Font Size” parameter for text entry to make it easier to make multiple lines consistent. That said, actual size is tricky because some fonts have little characteristics to make them a little taller or shorter than the sizes they define internally. All that said, this should be a much better build for text vectors.
We’re just working on fixing some customer files that didn’t load well and then we’ll be ready to launch this as a beta.
Expect some big Carbide Create updates in the coming months.
[EDIT] If you have DXF files that don’t load that can be shared, please send them to We have a new DXF parser that we’re looking to integrate and it would be helpful to have more test cases.
Well I installed 403 on my Mac but since the last O/S update, all versions of CC 400 (I tried all three I had) will not load, the icon jumps up and down, the bar at the top appears and the wheel is spinning for several minutes without completely loading. I reported to support a week ago and did not get an answer except for the acknowledgement so I hope someday, this will be addressed. FYI, 3.16 loads just fine.