Carbide Create Testing: Things That can Use Improvement

I have found a few areas for improvement in Create.
Where do I send the information? It s just a screen grab and some text.

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Please feel free to post it here — I think it’d be great if everyone would share their experience / thoughts and if everyone else commented on it in public so as to arrive at a consensus as to what changes / improvements should be made in what order.

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  1. letter spacing could use some control options, maybe typographic controls?
  2. Pocket Contour looks a bit off compared to the shape it is referencing.

Also, when editing and entering/changing values I am accustomed to pressing the return/enter key to “apply”. Maybe, this is a safeguard, if so then that is smart, although not the convention I am accustomed too.

I don’t have an image of this, but the preview was not showing correctly. The center circle and a few other contour operations were not visible in the preview.

If possible I’d like to be able to do 2 things with text:
a. change text to an editable outline, of course it becomes individual shapes at that point.
b. force the shapes to have radii at corners that automatically reflect the cutter/end mill that was defined.

Overall looking great! I hope to teach my girls how to use my Nomad 883 this summer.

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Yeah, I’ve asked for kerning / spacing controls — probably best to just do anything along those lines in Inkscape, or some other drawing program and import as a .svg

You can get your a./b. features in any decent drawing program (though I wish that it were easier to specify stroke width when offsetting paths in Inkscape).

Toolpath Zero and mirror functions

I’d really like to see the option of toolpath zero at lower right, upper right and center right as well as the possibility of flipping / mirroring paths to quickly generate front / back objects

Really liking Create btw, super simple and nice to use.