Carbide create to carbide motion

I use carbide create on my laptop and have a Fusion5 tablet to run carbide motion in the shop, or at least I want to. My question is how do I transfer my Gcode to my tablet?

Hi Andy!

You’d transfer files between the two computers using the same mechanisms you’d use for any other type of file.

Some simple options might be:

A network shared drive
A usb stick

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I guess I was over thinking it and need to try to keep to the basics, I can’t use a usb stick with my fusion 5 so I will have to see about using one drive.
Thank you for the help!!

No problem!

Welcome to the community! (I am being prompted to say that but rebelled earlier :P)

I have several computers in my design->run process and currently save everything on OneDrive to solve this issue. It’s effective and is backed up and has limited file revision support, so hopefully it hits your spot too.

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Add to that list DropBox (thanks @ApolloCrowe) and Google Drive (I use booth), and I should also add SneakerNet… which is where I remove the SD Card from one computer and walk (in my sneakers) to the other computer and insert the SD Card.


I use Google Drive for lots of file transfers. Works great

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