Carbide Motion Nomad 3 tool changes no M6 commands in output

Hello, does anyone know the expected workflow for a tool change on a Nomad 3, using carbide motion, when exporting from carbide create? (most recent versions as of today)

I’ve trired setting carbide create to both nomad 3 and nomad 883, but the program will not add tool changes to my Gcode.

Carbide motion will run with the first tool till it reaches the T# command. Then the program will wait for the user to press the start button, while the machine sits above the last position, retracted, with the spindle running. I’ve tried manually adding in M6 commands, but the spindle won’t start up, so the issue is more than that.

Again, a description of what I should excpet to happen would be very beneficial. I did some digging but couldn’t find anything for the Nomad 3.

Check your post processor on cc and choose Nomad. Generic and gcode options do not include m6 commands, only Shapeoko and Nomad have C3D options for thier workflow.

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Thank you, that solved my problem.
I thought the post processor was in the gear icon, but it’s actually located in a menu found through the top tabs.

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