Carbide Motion on a Raspberry Pi

I’ve wanted this to happen for so long! I love where this is going and I’ll let you know what issues I find when my dedicated Pi arrives. Thanks @fenrus and @robgrz


@fenrus and @robgrz - Picked up the image and a SunFounder 10.1" touch screen for my RPi3B+ and everything seems to come up just fine and is fully visible. Planning on giving it a full testing run today. Thanks for all the (fast) hard work!



(this weekend I want to autodetect touch screens and pass rob’s new --touch option based on that)

Yeah, still waiting on my RasPad v3 to arrive.

Debating getting a Wacom One in the meanwhile, but that’s a not insignificant chunk of change.

Had to do that in a bash script a while ago. This SHOULD do it:

if udevadm info --export-db | grep ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN=1; then
	/usr/local/bin/carbidemotion --touch

assuming you can use bash for it.


if I have to :wink:
I might end up going to the data source udevadm gets it from… (which I have found)

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Thank you to everyone that has worked on this, my bit setter and probe work like a dream.

I am really stoked you all have made this so easy. I download the image last night, put it on a fresh sd card and swapped out my bCNC, CNCJS card, configured SSHFS, and cut a test pattern within 30 minutes. Took me longer to find a piece of flat scrap than it did to boot and configure the PI!

My setup is an RPI 3b connected to this screen on an arm:
This is connected to an XXL and runs like a dream.

The screen does support 1080p even though the spec does not say it does. The only issue I have at this point is that the buttons are a bit small for my sausage fingers, but it is still usable.

So stoked we have this option now!


Sausage fingers unit!!

You can adjust the interface sizing btw. It defaulted super small for me on 1080p.

I have not yet managed to get the script solution to build a OS Image from the ground up just yet. However, I did get my test PI up and running with just the basic installs. Linked here are the two package list files for the RaspiOS Lite and the RaspiOS Lite with the bare minimum of the desktop installed.
Other items installed are the same ones you are installing (samba, usbmount, wmctrl) and nothing else.

To make sure I knew what was installed and where, I did all of this manually. Installed RaspiOS Lite with ssh and Wifi configs, then did an install of the stripped version of the default Raspberry Pi desktop environment which only contains the file manager and settings for appearance, audio, network, and bluetooth. I then did an install of the usbmount, wmctrl, and samba servers.

I’m still working on my idea to use vnc server and an iPAD to control the Pi at the CNC, but have not yet completed that part yet.

Side note:
also got side tracked by the idea of a gamepad controlling the CM application and started looking into this package (, but again, have not yet figured it all out. (34.3 KB)

@tommydenton, I Noticed your Smile link is in support of Baptist Medical & Dental International. Pretty cool coincidence, I lead a BMDMI team.

Many thanks to the guys at Carbide 3D for getting CM running on linux. I’ve never owned a pi and I got it up and running in a couple of hours and can now control my XXL via my iPad Pro and my MacBook Pro can stay in the house and away from the sawdust.


This is a great project, thank-you.

I tried it out with the Monthly Paradise Box project. Started out ok then the bit started to go somewhat deeper than expected. Tried it twice with same result. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Post the .c2d file, generated G-Code, and step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock, and setting zero relative to it and a photo showing an attempt at cutting w/ any necessary measurements marked up in a separate thread.

I don’t use Create I use VCarve Pro.

My work is stuck down using double sided carpet tape which has been adequate for all my work so far. As long as the base of the work is flat then double-sided tape is fine.

are you using vncserver with your iPad Pro and if so, which server are you using. Have you noticed any lag time between iPad Pro and the CM interface?

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Yes, using the built in VNC on the pi and using Screens by Edovia on the iPad to see th episode screen. Very small lag time, pi is on wifi, I might connect it to ethernet to see if it speeds up.

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I am sorry that I am not supporting BMDMI. I support Mike Rowe. The smile link auto-adjusts to your settings vs mine.

If it helps though I paid Howard Payne University part of the BGCT a lot of money for my degree! :slight_smile:

How? I have not found that magic setting. My normal shortcuts did not work. ctrl (or alt) + and -.

Did I say I was blind too?

Also for all that are reading I just finished a 12 tool change, 4 hour cut all driven by this setup. The bit setter is so cool. Now to work out turning the spindle on and off automatically. I love the tinker challenges this device has given me, while it makes me money carving wood!

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For auto on/off there’s the BitRunner or see:

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I’m dealing with the lag time as well. does not WiFi vs ethernet doesn’t seem to have an impact. My current effort is to scale down the desktop to the bare minimum in hopes of reducing the lag. I’ll let you know how that turns out.