Carbide Router - ER Collets

I’ve searched the forums, but haven’t seen a straight answer. Sorry if this has been addressed.

Is there a proper source for ER Collets for the Carbide Router (or Makita)? I know Precise Bits has them for the DeWalt. Any info is appreciated. Thanks.

Earlier today @WillAdams posted as a source for collets

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Short answer is no.

As you mentioned, there are suppliers of collets specific to Makita or Dewalt - basically just a better version of the OEM proprietary design.

The ER system is a world standard used on spindles etc - it’s just not compatible with either unit.

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Precise Bits has ER-style collets for the DeWalt, not collets which meet the ER standard and are compatible with other systems.

The Carbide Compact Router/Makita use a proprietary collet, for which we have a set of 1/8" and 1/4" precision collets which are now bundled with a CCR and as @fenrus noted, additional sizes are available from Elaire Corp.

Thanks for the feedback.
I’m guessing that the Carbide/Elaire collets are the best option out there for the Carbide/Makita router then?

Would you say that the Carbide Precision collets are comparable with an ER-style?

They are different.

The ER-11 collets are springier with a wider compression/working range (we use them for the Nomad).

The Carbide/Elaire collets for the Makita are simpler w/ fewer slots, but work just as well, they just don’t have the advantage (or additional expense) of being attached to the nut, and so mechanically drawn out as the nut is loosened/removed.

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