CC Build 514 Issue

Curious to learn whether anyone else is experiencing the following issue when attempting to create flipped fillets on a regular rectangle in CC #514… the second I try to adjust the radius of the fillet, the vector automagically adds full circles to the two uppermost fillets!

I can’t seem to de-select the unwanted additions to delete them - they are already “grouped” to the main rectangle, and cannot be ungrouped…

(Forgive the wording on this - a buddy wants this for his girlfriend’s birthday! :man_shrugging:)

Seems to not happen in 517:

flippedfillet.c2d (5.1 KB)

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Thanks, Will - I didn’t realise there was (another!) new update… I’ll download it accordingly and retry.

Still getting 'em - even with 517 installed… (PC = Win 10 Pro 64-bit OS)!

Screenshot (408)|690x389

Please post your file.

Does the one I posted above:

exhibit this behaviour when opened on your computer?

Yes - same behaviour exhibited on your file (try resizing the rectangle to an arbitrary height - I adjusted to 4" tall… the “Mickey ears” popped right in!

(Here’s your very same file re-attached… the only adjustment I made was to the height of the rectangle (from 3.x" high to 4" high))

Flippedfillet.c2d (7.6 KB)

The thing is, when I change that file to the dimension it had before, 3.5433 — they go away:

Doesn’t show up at 3.8" high, shows up at 3.81" high

Filing a bug report now.


Weird! (I’ve never experienced this before now, and use this function often!)… Thanks for your help, sir! :+1:

I see the same thing in 517. If the radius is changed to 0.649" or 0.651" it is fine. Very strange indeed.


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