so Rich posted something I think might be of use for this thread. Please let me know if I am mistaken, but it looks to be exactly what you are all aiming to do. I am also a COMPLETE n00b so I have not had a chance to toy around with this yet. Please to spend the weekend getting to better know my machine.
Ok, take out your note pad and pay attention. It is very easy, and very easy to screw up. You should be using the latest version of Carbide Motion, and have at least 2 programs (one for each tool) to machine the part using the same XY&Z0 position.
Step 1. Home the machine
Step 2. Clear the offsets. The machine coordinates should read XYZ = 5 mm
Step 3. Find the part that you want to machine XY and Z0.
Step 4. Click on Zero ALL.
Step 5. Run your first program with the first tool. Ready for a tool change? Read on:
Tool Change:
Step a) Stop the spindle, and Jog the machine X, Y and Z to a position that is comfortable to access the tool. (I like to click on the pre-set rapid position Front Center)
Step b) Change the tool.
Step c) Raise the Z almost to the top.
Step d) Click on Rapid X and Y position. (The machine will remember the XY and Z positions even if you turn off the machine, but since you have changed the tool, the Z0 needs to be reset.
Step e) Carefully lower the machine, so that that the Z is a sheet of paper off your part.
Step f) Click on Zero Z
Step g) Raise the Z and start your next program
Feel free to ask any questions. but read this first (Maybe 3 or 4 times)
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