I know Carbide Create doesn’t support this feature and Cut2D from Veteick does but there is no post processor to use it with the Nomad 883 Pro. Does anyone know of a software that works with the Nomad where nodes can be selected for a path lead in / start? I need a dovetail bit to plunge off the work, make a cut into the part and leave the part before retracting and then move on to the next path repeating over and over.
When is Vetric going to start putting a post processor for Carbide 3D machines
The Nomad post processor in that link did not work for me in recent versions of Carbide Motion because of the leading spaces it generates on all GCode lines.
I adapted it and updated it for the 10.x series of Vectric software, and have used this (metric) postprocessor on both my Nomad (and now even my Shapeoko) for the last 9 months: