This is my Christmas wish to carbide 3d. Can you please update software to include being about to name tools the same
As your premade tool names
With words? Heaven forbids we want to name a tool 1/8” up cut instead of
Coming up
With a clever number annotation for the same? And secondly and more importantly can you please please please update carbide motion so you can press stop instead of pause first before stop
Will work as a functioning key so we can stop ringing projects when we get them wrong? Thanks and this update would be a game changer.
I’m not sure what you mean regarding the tools. I’ve been able to duplicate tools in the tool library without issue. Is this something you see in Carbide Motion or Carbide Create?
In poking at this this issue I remembered my biggest Carbide Motion wish…I always end up opening the design library because I think “tool library” but nope, it’s a “tool database”. Gets me every time I just want “Show tool database” to be an option under “Library”, just for me and the maybe 2 other people that curse under their breath every time they need to edit a tool
You see it in both carbide create and motion. Duplicating tools is not the issue. Try naming a tool with words instead of numbers and see what happens. Would be doubly nice if they gave us a set up notes option so you could put in notes on a certain tool change like changing from a deep sweepy to shallow for clearance issues and such.
Odd. I’m on Carbide Create 778 on MacOS and I can create tools with arbitrary text in the name field. I just created one called “This is a test”.
It’s worth mentioning that I’ve got Create Pro but I don’t imagine it would change that basic functionality.
I can’t put text in the Tool Number field. Maybe they’re named differently across versions/os’s?
But when the tool is called for in Carbide Motion it does not include any alpha description.
There are times when you enter a new tool into the Tool Database from scratch, not a copy of an existing C3D tool. This is when a desired alpha designation is not permitted when that tool is called in Carbide Motion.
Oh so the hurdle only shows up when Motion goes to call the newly entered tool?
I just created a new tool called “new tool?” and Create handled it just fine. If I go and call this tool in a job, I should expect Carbide Motion to throw an error?