CM Settings Send Config Data?

Why is it that when I am in CM, I select Shapeoko XXL > Send Config Data it resets any data I entered such as $100, $101, $102?

I can see that the changes I made were reset using the $$ command and viewing the log.

Shouldn’t the changes be saved unless I do a factory reset command?

Yeah, I wish CM had a “save config data” as well as a “send config data”.
But to be fair, “Send config data” is kind of a factory reset command…since it’s something that overwrites GRBL params with a set of default known-to-work values.

Tip: I use Universal GCode Sender to make a backup of my GRBL parameters in a file, after I have tuned everything to my taste, and then if anything happens later I can just restore all parameters in one action (in UGCS)

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Thanks for that TIP. Much appreciated.

Also wish CM can keep the new belt calibration tension values as either absolute or relative. That way the zero values displayed as integers or fractions.

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