CNCJS CNC Control Software

You’d still need to account for your bit diameter. A 1/16" bit used as an XY corner probe will cause the router to be much closer to the corner of your stock than a 3/4" face mill. The distance would be the thickness of the probe + half of your bit diameter. For Z, your bit doesn’t matter…the bottom of a bit is the bottom of a bit, regardless of diameter.

Like I said, I’m not familiar with the Nomad’s probe. How does that work?

CNC worm hole here: (From a post of mine in another forum)
Basically, you have your machine coordinate system (G53), and nine available work coordinate systems, or WCS, that are a known offset from the machine coordinate system. You can set your origins for each of those WCS easily by jogging to the location you want and sending “G10 L20 P*** X0 Y0”. The *** in this case would be the number for the WCS you are setting the XY origin for. P1 for G54, P2 for G55, and so on. All of this requires homing first, so the machine knows where it is.
Let’s say I make a lot of bottle openers and I mill a lot of PCBs. I have a square mounted to my machine to set my 1x6 for the bottle opener and somewhere away from that, I have a small pocket to set in my PCB blank. I could set my G54 origin to my desired work zero for my bottle opener by jogging there and sending “G10 L20 P1 X0 Y0” (you could add a Z0 if you know you won’t need to probe). i can jog to my PCB pocket and send “G10 L20 P2 X0 Y0 Z0” to set my G55 work origin. From now on, after I home and when I’m in the G54 (usually default) WCS, I can send G0 X0 Y0, and my machine will go to the same spot. You could actually just start your carve from wherever your home is and it will still use the correct work origin. Just home your machine and carve. When I’m ready to mill the PCB, I’ll make sure my gCode is is set up for the correct WCS (G55), home, and carve.
Be cautious when using the different coordinate systems. You may have everything set up for your G55 origin, but if your gcode has a G54 in the header (again, default), you’re machine will carve in that WCS. You may think Z3 is 3mm above your workpiece, but if you’re in the wrong WCS it may be closer to the bottom of your workpiece. You can change from working in one WCS to another by sending G55 or G57 or G54 or whatever.

I’m sure there are videos and diagrams out there that will help illustrate. When I’m working with my CNC at home it tends to be quick and dirty…I have a 3yr old and 1yr old, and I can only do so much during a nap time. After they’re in bed, I’m in no condition to operate machinery.

Think of G92 as an offset of the whole thing. All of your work coordinate systems get shifted with a G92. I try to avoid it as it’s temporary. If I used G10 to set my zero, and the power goes out, I can just home and carve when it kicks back on. If I used G92, and didn’t record the current machine coordinate values, I just wasted my stock. Unless I have a 3-axis probe…then I can secure that piece anywhere, probe and carve.

I teach middle school, so it’s nice to talk about this stuff without someone asking “what would happen if I put my hand in there?”