Community challenge #15: Workshop accessory (closed)

E-Stop/Pause Box
I wanted an E-stop and a hardware pause button in the same box. I also wanted to be able to shut off both the machine and router with a single E-stop. I have had the parts for quite a while and decided now was the time to make it.

I made the design in Fusion 360 (the f3d file is attached as well as the step/dxf) and cut it out of an electronics project box I got off Amazon. I used a very small 3/64ths 2 flute to trace the lettering and a 3/32nds single flute to cut out the holes.

I am usually cut aluminum so my feeds and speeds were far to conservative. I was melting plastic rather than cutting anything, especially with the larger cutter. I ended up having to cut the RPM and go to 150% speed during the cut. Everything worked out but I would not suggest using the tool paths in the f3d file if you choose to make this. Work holding was pretty easy, I went overkill:

I had to put something under the rear edge of the part because it was not parallel with the table and caused the engraving tool path to not even touch on that side. The box is pretty cheap so it doesn’t surprise me that its not square. Here are the links to the parts I used as well as the files. I put it up on CutRocket but the uploader for files or pictures would not work for me.

Amazon parts:

CutRocket Link:

E-Stop-Pause box v2 sketch.dxf (7.8 KB)
E-Stop-Pause box (186.3 KB)

Final picture with painted engraving: