Contour tool path with #301 vee 90 degree bit plunging too deep

I am trying to make sign and using contour tool path with #301 vee 90 degree bit but it’s plunging too deep where it’s touching the MDF inserts on the cnc. I am attaching the file. Please let me know what am I doing wrong
Man Cave - 6W - 12 L -Escape relax recharge with Beer.c2d (272 KB)

How does the cut work out compared to the 3D preview?

Why not use a V carving toolpath?

It’s plunging deep. I will try vcarve

That looks like a disconnect between how you have set up your file:

and how you are setting the origin relative to the stock:

Upload a photo showing the machine at the zero position and a screengrab of what Carbide Motion shows?

Now I have another issue because of that I am not able to use the machine. I booked a session with Shapeoko support on Monday. I am having homing guide problem. CNC is making sounds and not working.