I don’t want to be that Festool fan boy, but I use a Festool dust extractor for my Shapeoko 4, and the variable speed suction built in helps with the exact issue you describe. I run it on about 60%, and the antistatic hose is great too, not to mention the great dust collection. I know not everyone will agree, but use a Festool sander and vac once and you’ll never look at your big box store sander the same way. Good luck with your solution, sounds like you are making great progress!
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Yeah, I bought a Festool CT Midi and an Oneida Ultimate Dust Deputy in a noise-induced, migraine-fueled rage — it was pricey, but it’s so nice to use.
I used a Miele vacuum for years on my S3. It’s small quiet and has adjustable suction. It also costs as much as your festool. I love that vacuum and have had it for 15+ years at this point. I also need it to vacuum my floors at home. Convincing my boss to get another Miele for the S5 at work was going well but for $200 dollars the StealthSonic + voltage regulator combo is considerably cheaper and is working just fine.
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