Convert Vcarv to Carbide Create

I made a file on Vcarv however i am trying to switch to Carbide Create in order to have a larger working area than 25"x25". What file format would i need to convert it to in Vcarv in order for it to open on Carbide Create?

Export as an SVG if possible.

If need be, export to a PDF, open that in Inkscape and re-save as an SVG.

So when I exported it as an SVG in Vcarv and try to open it in Carbide Creation, I just get a box. None of the actual stuff shows up within it

Does the file have vector elements?

Could you post a copy?

wes correct.dxf (3.2 MB)

So this is what i’m needing to be able to run on Carbide, like I said, every time I open it, i just get a box. no content. Any help would be much appreciated. Trying to get this cut for a guy that is leaving our department as a going away gift from the department.

Uh, that’s a DXF, not a Vectric Vcarve file.

I opened it in LibreCAD, exported as a MakerCAM SVG:

wes correct

and then checked in CC514:

which imported fine, but was tiny.

Scaling up yielded:

Attached (you’ll need the beta: )

wes (1.5 MB)

Yes i tried to upload the vectric and it said it wasn’t supported. You have saved me a lot of time and frustration. I’ve got a lot to learn about the software’s. My dad just got this set up so i have a lot of research to do. Thank you for all your help!

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You can zip unsupported file types to upload them.

Hey Will coming back to you again. So I saved a G-code of the firefighter that cut the best. Is there anyway to covert it back to a file that vcarv will open. I don’t know the cutting features I used for it. I wasn’t thinking and didn’t save the file itself just the Goode.

Not really.

There is a G-Code Ripper utility from Scorchworks which will convert G-Code into geometry, but it may or may not work for your needs.

Yes that was my fears

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