Carbide Create keeps crashing when I try to edit nodes on the small half circle piece in the bottom right. I’ve tried to delete the rest of the project so all that’s left is the pieces I want to edit and it still doesn’t help. No pop ups or anything saying it has stopped working, just crashes every time.
Hi Brad, A quick try and I didn’t have any issues. What version of CC and operating system are you using? Can you post a screen clip of the vector you want to edit highlighted, I didn’t see a small half circle that wasn’t part of a larger vector?
I am using V5 and Windows 10 on an Asus laptop. I circled the the vector in question. I am trying to add a triangle to the center of the flat area. As soon as I add a second node on the flat line, CC crashes
Welcome aboard. Just started doing this in January and like trying to see if I can solve an issue. Gives me great practice. Once I figured out what it was you are trying to accomplish I found a JPEG, used Inkscape to trace it. Now that it was saved I imported it into CC, deleted all vectors I didn’t want, Highlighted both parts of the eye, merged them and slide them into place.
Thanks all for the help. Will try all suggestions. It may have something to do with my computer as well. It’s a pretty cheap laptop with a small processer. If I do find the answer, I will be sure to report back.