I’m playing around with creating an inlay and when trying to view the high res simulation in CC (v517 & v520) the rendering disappears. However, I can view both the toolpath and rapids, just not the simulation. When I render as non high-res, I can see it. It works fine until I place a box around the vector to do the inlay. I thought it may be the new v520 but reinstalled v517 and same thing.
Are you using Windows or a Mac? I’m on a Mac so not sure if that would be a difference or not.
Yes, thanks so much for the mirroring advice and I can easily see that in your screenshot now. This is my first attempt so I’m definitely a noob at this.
I am on Windows 10, I don’t have a Mac to try. The tool paths look reasonable, have you tried to change the “material” for the simulation? I typically use MDF because the texture often shows the detail better.
I have not done an inlay so I downloaded your file and showed the simulation. The High Res is checked in the simulation and what is it I am supposed to see. I unchecked and saw no difference so I hid simulation thinking maybe only the hi res shows when you open with the option checked and/or unchecked and does not change on the fly.
What am I supposed to see different? I am also on Win 10 Both the Hi Res and unchecked Hi Res look the same to my untrained eye.
Does it show properly for a different project? Have you tried to toggle the show simulation or change the simulation material? Does a version of the file I adjusted and resaved on a Windows PC load and display any differently?
Yeah it is definitely a video display issue. I’m running on a Mac mini server (2011) so it may be time for an update lol! Experiencing the same thing when I go to Win 10 in parallels. I’ll just turn off High Res but it only happened when I wrapped the bear on the right with the outer box. I could view the simulation until I did that.