Curve cutting issue

Spent most of the day on what was what I thought was a simple job. Cutting out curved block letters that should fit together. Issue I am having is that the cuts do not match my design. The curves do not follow each other. Tried doing a simple design test and have the same problem. Not sure if it is a machine issue my brain not functioning right.

Files created using VCarve Pro.
When the cut is finished, the arcs do not line up.

I think you want to cut on the outside, not the inside.


You know, That is the one thing I did not try. I did on the line and inside the line.

Be right back…

Well, just wasted an entire day. Outside tool path worked though I cant logically understand why. Looking at the tool path for the inside cut, it seems that it should come out right.

But I learned a long time ago not to argue with machines.

Thanks for the suggestion. I probably would have wasted another day troubleshooting.

Geez, now that I stare at the picture, it makes sense.

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