Delete tool change from gcode?

OK, I have a question. I have a cut file and I want to remove the toolchange part (I am running the same file over and over and it’s getting annoying to go test the bit length over and over every time)

Here is the top of the gcode, what do I delete to just skip the tool change?

M6 T102
M3 S9000

That’s “Tool change, Tool 102”



Don’t know why but the forum requires a 20 character response so this is here.

What are you generating your gcode with? If Fusion360, you can just tell it not to do a toolchange to begin with if you’re using the right post.

No, just using carbide Create for now.

If it’s set up for the right machine, it shouldn’t be adding a toolchange.

Doh, didn’t see this was nomad. That said, if you run once with the tool change, and run all the rest with a gcode file set up for shapeoko, you won’t get toolchanges. Probably easier at that point to do what you have above and just delete the line. Do be sure you run at least once with the tool change, as without at least one you won’t get tool length set properly.

It does for either machine — it’s interpreted by Carbide Motion as the insert tool / start trim router dialog/pause.

I always put the right tool in before I turn on the Nomad and after connecting it goes and measures the tool length once before you even tell it to run the gcode. Removing that line was exactly what I needed. Ran 20 jobs today without doing an extra 20 tool change and measure bit stuff. Just load the new part and hit run…

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Hm. Wasn’t my experience. If you give tool change commands to carbide motion on a shapeoko, it actually does some things out of order - if the spindle is off, it turns it on, then goes to a convenient change position (and leaves the spindle running) - it’s all very weird.

If you need to replace the tool, don’t forget to force a measure cycle manually (power cycle or via the jog operation)

Yes, I know enough to make sure it does a measure at least once.

It’s a little monotonous the way they do it, let’s say I’m working on something simple (one off) the machine measures the tool when I connect it to carbide motion, Then it does it again when I go to set the zero points and then once again when it tells me to do a tool change. So if I want to do one simple cut it measures the tool 3 times before cutting.


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