I don’t know what the ramifications of this are (more dust and shavings lodged in belts and drives and spindles and other sensitive parts?), but you could potentially add a collet fan to blow away the cutting area, with the negative pressure from your dust collector containing and sucking up the bad particles…
In machining we’re taught to never blow air around a mill! Only manually brush or vacuum. Don’t use pressurized air around a mill!
Because this can force particles into belts, spindles, and tools causing nasties.
The collet fan potentially creates quite a particle mess. Without a dust head, the air flow may not be sufficient to remove the particles sufficiently to avoid nasty things to the spindles, belts and such. Conceptually, if things work out, this could be a nice combo.
I think of it this way:
If you’re just interested in have healthy air one can pull the vacuum through a hole in the enclosure anywhere it makes sense to them.
If you’re interested in the safest possible healthy air and minimizing the machining mess before it even gets created, one wants a dust head… which means a hole in the enclosure and tubing within the enclosure. Based on experiments that @patofoto and I did on the Nomad 883 and Nomad 883 Pro I don’t think that coming through the sides works well when a dust head is involved. Use the front or the back. For many, the back will be more aesthetically pleasing.
See here for rear exit:
See here for front exit: