Epic Birthday Present - Go Big or Go Home

A few photos of my “first” project intended for someone else. My dad turned 70 on St. Patrick’s Day and though my siblings and I couldn’t celebrate with him in person, we collaborated on a pub sign for him to hang at home. Being a dad, he’s got a ton of witticisms we’ve heard a million times over. One of which, upon being told his son was “just like him” he responded: “…you plant a potatah, you get a potatah.” Another favorite, heard often these days as his grandchildren learn to “enjoy” themselves without fighting, is: “It’s hard work to have a good time” and served at the primary inspiration for the sign.

I told my wife that I think I’d bitten off more than I could chew for my “first” “big” project. She promptly told me “Don’t be such a pansy. You’ll figure it out.” (thankfully, I did)


3/4" MDF with Water-based Exterior Acrylic Paints.
Original Artwork from a sketch done on a bar napkin ten years ago(for an earlier epic birthday present).


Nice job I’m sure he will enjoy it

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